
Fast & Furious Movie Roasted in Video

It was only a matter of time before popular blockbuster-roasting YouTube channel CinemaSins had a go once again on the Fast & Furious franchise.

It’s no secret that this hugely-successful car-related blockbuster is full of over-the-top stunts and a plot that basically is just there to justify the aforementioned stunts.

Yes, I admit it’s easy and good fun to watch, with all the unbelievable (literally) car chases, the explosions, the ridiculous villains and many more, which is probably why it became the huge franchise it is nowadays.

With the 7th instalment being currently released to the theatres worldwide, CinemaSins rip apart the 2009 “Fast & Furious”- the 4th one- in their own special, cynical way, finding everything that’s wrong with the movie. 

Enjoy the video.


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